Regional Autonomous Corporation of La Guajira in the context of the functions set forth in Article 31 Of law 99 of 1993, and in order to contribute to the preparation of government plans and possible development plans municipal and district, It sets as query elements in the following documents environmental:
- Regional Environmental Management Plan (PGAR) (2009 -2019).
- Integral Plan for Climate Change PICC
- Management plan and management of river basin ranchería. POMCA Rancheria
- Management plan and management of river basin Tapias. POMCA TAPIAS
- Management plan and management of river basin Tomarrazon - Shrimp.
- Management plan and management of river basin Carraipía. POMCA CARRAIPIA.
- Plans and programs for wildlife conservation.
- Resolution 3107 the 24 December 2018 Regional Autonomous Corporation of La Guajira "Whereby are identified and compiled environmental determinants for land use planning district and the municipalities of the jurisdiction of the Regional Autonomous Corporation of La Guajira - CORPOGUAJIRA, referred to in paragraphs a), b) y c) del numeral 1 del artículo 10 de la ley 388 of 1997; and other provisions. "
- Environmental Determinants.