According to the article 23 de la Ley 99 of 1993, the Autonomous Regional Corporations are corporate entities of public character created by the Act, integrated by local authorities whose characteristics are the same ecosystem geographically or make a geopolitical unit, biogeographical the river, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy, own assets and legal status.
Integral policy
In CORPOGUAJIRA we provide equal opportunities to all our stakeholders with quality, transparency, social participation and interagency management, ensuring access to goods and environmental services offered, for sustainable development in the region.
To this end we are committed to:
- Exercise environmental authority fairly.
- Meet legal requirements and other requirements.
- Prevent and / or mitigate adverse environmental impacts of our business product.
- Act with integrity and transparency in the context of our culture of self, self-management, monitoring and evaluation to be more efficient and effective and generate quality of life in the population served.
- meet requirements, needs and expectations of our stakeholders, in accordance with the institutional powers and respect for freedom of worship, ethnic diversity and fundamental human rights of the population.
- continuously improve the Integrated Management System, not only for monitoring, but also for the prevention and development of strategies and actions.
- Encourage citizen participation in inclusive and diverse scenarios consistent with the traditions and culture of the population guajira; safeguarding freedom, equality, human dignity, freedom of conscience and worship, solidarity and respect for nature.
- Managing Management System Safety and Health at Work for the protection of the health and safety of all our employees and visitors.
Institutional values
- Collaboration.
- Commitment.
- Respect.
- Responsibility.
- Honesty.
- Diligence.
- Justice.
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