Web Administrator Posts
PURPOSES Ensure that communication is established at all internal and external levels of CORPOGUAJIRA, considering the effectiveness of the Quality Management System DAVIANIS ACOSTA [email protected] […]
Integrated management of special waste, medical and hazardous handled properly
PURPOSES To assist Coordinate with the national and regional territorial entities in the management to consolidate an integral management of solid waste, medical and hazardous in the department of La […]
Air Quality
Achieving PURPOSES by monitoring mechanisms, monitoring and control of air pollution from stationary sources, mobile and dispersed, prevent and reduce environmental degradation […]
Water quality
PURPOSES To assist Coordinate with the national and regional territorial entities in the management to consolidate an integral management of solid waste, tracking and monitoring of activities that affect or may affect the quality of water resources, pointing to its […]
Drinking water and sanitation
PURPOSE To meet the basic needs of the public drinking water and basic sanitation for much of the population of the municipalities in the area of jurisdiction […]
Business promotion and sustainable production system.
PURPOSE To generate business projects in the sector eco, Ethno and agritourism , by signing sectoral and multisectoral green production agreements with other state institutions in particular NGOs […]
Green markets
PURPOSE Implement measures to promote clean development mechanisms, the improvement of sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity, increase eco-products and […]
Diagnosis and actions for the recovery and conservation of ecosystems
PURPOSE To undertake activities to identify, prevent and stop processes of land degradation, water sources and loss of biodiversity of strategic ecosystems competition […]
Community participation
PURPOSE To contribute to changing attitudes in the population through handling of the participation mechanisms that generate a thoughtful and values knowledge and streamlining environmental management […]
Enviromental culture
Environmental culture PURPOSES Achieving a cultural change in population for proper utilization of biotic resources – abiotic, Responsible: JORGE PACHECO [email protected] Switch (5)7272581