The aim of the event, strategy will be to define an inter-, coordinated and articulated effectively to combat environmental crime by logging and illegal mining, who daily contribute to the loss of water resources and biodiversity of our department.
The Summit, It will be held on Wednesday 19 March 2014, from the 9:00 am, in the auditorium of Corpoguajira, Cra 7 No 12 – 25 (Riohacha).
The event will be attended by representatives of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Military Authorities, Control Bodies, Personeros, Territorial Entities, inter alia.
The exercise of illegal mining, It is an offense punishable by confinement in prison sentences ranging from 48 and 108 months in prison, in accordance with the Law 1453 of 2011. This activity causes significant damage to the rivers and water bodies that supply aqueducts department, likewise causes erosion, avalanches and destruction of the ecosystem.
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