Through the inter-institutional coordination table there will be a permanent relationship, for environmental protection and strengthening of governance of ancestral territories
Corpoguajira and the Territorial Council of Cabildos - CTC of the Sierra Nevada, developed an important space for dialogue of understanding, in which the governors of the four indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada participated.
During the event, made in Dibulla, the details for the implementation of the consultative processes with the communities were agreed, within the framework of different projects that the environmental authority has carried out for the conservation of the biodiversity of this area.
In addition, the formation of the inter-institutional coordination table was structured to have a permanent relationship that allows the construction of articulation agreements, aimed at environmental protection and strengthening the governance of ancestral territories.
Samuel Lanao Robles, General Manager Corpoguajira, explained that this instance will function as a space to formulate and guide the implementation of territorial policies and initiatives, environmental and cultural, between Corpoguajira and the CTC as public authorities, in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, in jurisdiction of the Corporation, "This will allow us to advance in the implementation of consultative processes with the indigenous peoples in relation to the planning and management of hydrographic basins, water resource management plans and the strengthening of protected areas prioritized by the entity in this sector'.
The official also specified that conservation strategies will be applied to the ancestral territory of the black line, a meeting will be arranged with the Regional Autonomous Corporations of Cesar and Magdalena, as well as the formulation of projects to present before the General System of Royalties, Environmental Compensation Fund, international cooperation organizations, among other institutions.
It should be noted that the activity was attended by the governors of the Arhuaco peoples, Kogui, Wiwa and Kankuamo and with officials from Corpogujira.
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