Corpoguajira proposes to apply environmental compensations for the strengthening of marine-coastal areas of the Department.
The Regional Autonomous Corporation of La Guajira participated in the II Marine-Coastal Summit, led by the Ministry of Environment, Invemar, National Parks, Asocars, entre otras entidades, to dialogue and debate on the issues that affect this important ecosystem in the country.
Samuel Lanao Robles, General Manager Corpoguajira, explained that during the event the Colombia Azul manifesto was signed 2030, "This is an alliance that seeks to provide guidance and guidelines from the National Environmental System, on priority issues for the new National Development Plan in the period 2022-2026, giving continuity and improving the actions that have been carried out in favor of the oceans, seas and coasts.
Meanwhile, Julio Vega Ramirez, Deputy Director of Environmental Management of Corpoguajira stated that in the framework of the summit he shared the successful experiences led by the entity for the declaration of marine and coastal areas in the peninsula.
“From Corpoguajira we raise the proposal to apply environmental compensation from alternative energy companies in the strengthening of marine and coastal protected areas. We have already made progress in building a portfolio and financial instrument; however, it is essential that the respective entities of the national order regulate the application of these actions in said ecosystems, since to date in the country we do not have this guideline ", detailed the official.
It should be noted that the event, held in Santa Marta, It was also a stage to discuss the goals that are necessary in the design of the roadmap to achieve the objective of sustainable development. 14, whose purpose is to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, the seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
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