By: Communications Equipment.
The Regional Autonomous Corporation of La Guajira, in exercise of their functions is developing initiatives to generate sustainable management of water resources Rancheria in an articulated manner among all actors beneficiaries of this important department Basin.
Grant or modify water concessions systematically, verifiable and scientific; equally, exploit scientific knowledge to increase security against crises, including climate change and, maximize profitability, extraction and reducing water demand, are some of the actions envisaged in the project
“Mathematical Development Tools, Computer and Organizational management To achieve Rio Rancheria less confrontational and more sustainable, Efficient and Resilient to Climate Change in the department of La Guajira ", which was circulated today at the territorial headquarters Corpoguajira in the municipality of Fonseca. This project will be implemented by the Association of Municipalities of the Subregion Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (ASOCIENAGA), with funds under management before the National Environmental Fund (background) .
*Corpoguajira deputy director Samuel Lanao, during socialization
In the socialization they were announced the objectives and scope of the project in a detailed manner so that the beneficiaries are active players during execution allowing extensive knowledge and ensure citizen oversight over the actions taken.
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