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O-o Environmental Quality Objective: guide value or narrative statement, which it has been established as a limit specifically to a receiving body in a certain place, with the final purpose […]

N-n Nature: It is the habitat confluence animal life, vegetable and mineral. ecological niche: It is a broader term that habitat, it designates not only the place where people live […]

M-m magnesium. chemical element of the group II of the periodic table or alkaline earth. Atomic number 12, atomic mass 24.312. It is a very dense metal, sparkly, ductile and malleable. In the […]

L-l Laguna. Lake small size and shallow. Gaps can be temporary or permanent, inland or coastal (coastal lagoons). Lapiaz. rocky terrain with surface formed by spaced apart slits […]

K-k Kárstico. Karst limestone reliefs appear in regions as a result of etching of water with carbon dioxide in the limestone, that causes destruction. The karstic process […]

I-i Environmental impact. Alteration of the environment due to human intervention. Currently certain actions require prior preparation of a study on its environmental impact. Forest fire. Sinister […]

H-h population equivalent. theoretical population unit technical calculations used in production wastewater. Hab-eq abbreviation. Habitat. Place and type of environment in which organisms live. Halophytes. plants […]

Natural gas G-g. gaseous mixture of hydrocarbons in the predominantly methane (CH4). It is formed inside the Earth, in sedimentary basins which may occur associated with the […]

Family F-f. Taxon intermediate between Order and Gender. In zoology families are named in Latin with the completion -idae (for example Felidae, Félidos) and in botany with […]