Radiation. Propagation of energy in space. View radiant energy.
Ionizing radiation. Radiation capable of producing ionization, directly as in the case of charged-particle radiation (alpha rays, beta rays), the, indirectly, as in the case of high energy electromagnetic radiation (gamma).
Solar radiation. Energy that propagates in space from the sun.
Ultraviolet radiation (uv): Shortwave radiation between 10 and 390 nanometers, concentrating much energy. The largest source of ultraviolet radiation on the Earth's surface is solar radiation.
Radio 226. Isotope of radium, which is a little abundant chemical element, dense, bright and radioactive and with applications in medicine and atomic chemistry.
Radioelement. Energy that propagates in space from the sun. (RS)
Ranker. Intrazonal soil of little evolution. The horizon is followed immediately by the C. Developed on siliceous rocks, are poor in nutrients. There are erosion rankers settled on steep slopes and climatic rankers on the mountain.
Strubble. Residue of the reeds of the harvest, that remains on the ground after the harvest.
Ray. Electric discharge between clouds or between clouds and the Earth's surface, whose luminous manifestation is lightning and thunder sound. The duration is one ten thousandth to one millionth of a second. The current is greater than 30 kV / m and greater potential difference 100 million volts.
Aquifer recharge. Water supply to aquifers. The natural recharge water comes from surface water infiltration or rainfall that infiltrates into the ground, Water from rivers and lakes, and in coastal aquifers, even from sea water.
Recycling: It consists of converting already used materials into raw materials to make new products.
Recovery of hazardous waste. Any industrial process whose purpose is the use of the resources contained in toxic and dangerous waste, whether in the form of raw materials or energy.
Natural resources: Those existing goods on Earth and humanity advantage for subsistence, by adding economic value. Such resources are: Air, Power, minerals, rivers, flora, fauna, etc.
Nonrenewable resources: Are goods that exist on Earth in limited quantities. Most are minerals such as oil, gold, platinum, copper, natural gas, coal, etc.
Renewable resources. Resources that are regenerated by natural processes, so its use does not imply an irreversible decline if the rate of consumption does not exceed the rate of formation. Are renewable resources oxygen, agricultural and forestry products and water resources.
Food webs. In an ecosystem, circuits interrelationship among species along which matter and energy, with a much more complex organization than that represented by the food pyramid that is a synthesis of trophic levels, more global and schematic.
Regosol. Young and little evolved azonal soil, highly dependent on the lithology of the bedrock and developed in alluvial detrital materials.
Growth Regulator. Chemical substances, natural or synthetic, controlling the growth of plants, activating as phytohormones (auxin, giberelina) the inhibiéndolo (inhibinas).
Landfill: Also called landfill. Center for disposal of waste generated a given urban area who meets all health requirements. There the gases and other substances generated by the waste are controlled and recovered and appropriate waterproofing and monitoring techniques are applied.
Rendzinas. Intrazonal soil of little evolution and developed on limestone rocky substrate. Only two horizons differ, C followed by the A. It is thus the equivalent of ranker when the substrate is limestone.
Afforestation. Introduction of trees into an area by planting or seeding. The reforestation activity may be directed to economic ends (timber production), landscape restoration and protection of soil. The species used may be alien (often exotic, such as eucalyptus) the native. In the latter case can be made using reforestation species native to the geographic area or habitat to repopulate, or not.
Nature Reserves. They are natural spaces, whose creation aims at the protection of ecosystems, communities or biological elements, for their rarity, fragility, importance or uniqueness deserve special consideration. In the Reserves will be limited resource exploitation, except in cases where the holding is consistent with the preservation of the values that are intended to protect. Generally be prohibited collecting biological or geological material, Except in those cases that for research or educational reasons, it is allowed prior to the pertinent administrative authorization.
Solids. In chemistry, it is the residue that remains after an analytical procedure once the water has been eliminated by evaporation.
Medical waste. Waste originated by activities such as the pharmaceutical industry, biological research, clinical and hospital activity analysis. These wastes include organic remains, microorganisms and drugs among others.
Radioactive waste. Wastes containing radionuclides or radio isotopes. They can be high, medium or low intensity depending on the content radio isotope half-life, long or short.
Solid waste. Solid waste originated by urban activity. Include medical waste, home, including trash, and services sector activities.
Solid waste. Those from specifically biological activities, pharmaceutical and medical, as those developed in research laboratories and clinical analysis, hospitals and pharmaceutical industries. These residues may contain a variety of materials, from chemicals and drugs to pathogenic microorganisms.
Hazardous waste. Solid materials, pasty, liquids, and gaseous containerless, what, being the result of a production process, transformation, use or consumption, the producer intended to neglect and containing in its composition certain substances and materials in quantities or concentrations that pose a risk to human health, natural resources and environment.
Ionic resins. Polymeric organic substances capable of exchanging ions. Cationic and anionic resins are distinguished. They are used in water demineralization treatments.
Roca Industry. Rock extracted for its transformation or industrial handling.
Rock. Natural aggregate of mineral individuals. By origin are classified into magmatic rocks, arising from the consolidation of magma within the crust (plutonic) or abroad (volcanic); sedimentary, diagenesis caused by sediment resulting from weathering processes, Transportation and warehousing; y metamorphic, action resulting from the pressure of the factors, temperature and fluid action (metamorphic processes) on any type of pre-existing rock.
Roentgen. Unit of measurement of ionization produced by radiation. Un Roentgen tạo en 1 kg air ionization are formed such that 2.58 10-4 culombios / kg. Abbreviation R.
Noise. It is a complex mixture of sounds with different fundamental frequencies. Broadly, noise can be considered any sound that interferes with some human activity.
Rupicola. Species that lives on a rocky substrate.
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