RSS feeds Web Site Corpoguajira has an RSS subscription at any link of the page (news, glerias, calls, recruitment, etc) you only need to enter in the section of your interest and click on the RSS button located on the top of the portal, then copy the URL in your browser and paste it into your RSS reader or feeds
¿What is the service information via RSS?
This service lets you know when the site is updated. A feed system (feed) or RSS feed notifies you when something new is published in one of the sections of the site that have this service. So that, instead of having to constantly visit the site for updates, RSS tells you without you having to do anything.
Simply subscribe to the section of your interest in the RSS reader you have installed on your computer, so that you get automatically and immediately, Holders of the latest information published. More and more websites that offer RSS feeds. In general, You can identify these channels through an orange button titled ?RSS? the ?XML?, which is attached to the address must be added in the RSS reader, for subscription.
¿What you are needed to start using RSS?
To use the RSS service I, will be installed or install any program ?called ?news aggregator?, the ?RSS reader?- which it is responsible for reading information from an RSS corresponding to the section of the Web site of interest.
Currently you can find on the Internet many programs of this type that can be installed on your computer at no cost. Later we will suggest some readers and will provide the direction from where you can download.
¿Subscribing to an RSS?
You will need to link to RSS the site you want. You can get the link by clicking on the button ?XML? the ?RSS? (usually orange), you will find the page you want information. Often a page that looks like total chaos will unfold? much programming code, or all the information together and tight. Do not worry. Just copy the address of the Web site (URL, Domain) that appeared in your browser when you press that button.
When you add this address in your news reader, This happens to be subscribed / a that channel RSS.
¿What means RSS?
RSS for its acronym in English means Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, which in Spanish translates as ?Abstracts from a site rich in content? the ?easy content distribution?.
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