The graphic design of this site was implemented using standard web technologies, as specified by the World Wide Web Consortium, the agency responsible for establishing policies and technical specifications that regulate Internet (world wide web).
Specifically, graphic design was created with style sheets, or CSS for short English. Style sheets are a set of instructions written in HTML language, (HTML is the language used to publish content on the Internet) which define the appearance of a website with the aim that their styles seem.
Flash resources are applied to offer browsers besides dynamism and Vivesa originailad, becoming the most attractive user page
In addition to providing a uniform appearance, stylesheets have other advantages as:
Accessibility for everyone
The technical features of this website allow people with physical disabilities navigate and obtain information more easily. Much sites in the network do not have this specification, thus preventing access to those with physical limitations.
Control printing paper
The use of style sheets allow better control of what is printed on paper, facilitating the removal of design areas that are not useful in hard copy as graphics or navigation menu, which leads to both a lower consumption of printer ink.
Using Style Sheets (CSS) It allows administrators to maintain the website easily. The administrator can do, with simple instructions, changes in the appearance of the entire site by changing just one file.
Good presentation in all browsers
It should be noted that there are multiple programs for Internet navigation. Besides Internet Explorer, the best known, you can navigate with the help of other programs like Firefox, Mozilla u Opera.
Using Style Sheets Web pages are properly presented in most browsers. But if the website municipalities are not being presented well on your browser, it is possible that the browser version is very old. En este caso, we recommend updating your program to a newer version.
It is important to note that the website of municipalities are adequately presented in the following versions of browsers:
* Firefox 1.0 or higher.
* Mozilla 1.0 or higher.
* Opera 6.0 or higher.
* Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.
* Netscape 6.0 or higher
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