mineral deposit. Place where an accumulation of a useful mineral is found. From the geological point of view, a deposit is a geochemist accident, since with very few chemical elements (oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, magnesium, soccer, sodium and potassium) most of it is done (98.6% in weigh) of the earth's crust. Whereby, any significant concentration of other chemical elements (lead, iron, oro, plata, mercury, etc.) must have its origin in specific geological and geochemical processes. Geologically, the deposits are classified by their origin as magmatic., metamorphic and sedimentary. For a geological deposit to be considered an economic deposit (that is, exploitable), numerous factors must be taken into account, like the technicians (concentration, accessibility, available technology); geographical (proximity to communication routes); Business (mineral price, competition between companies); financial (capital availability, access to credits); politicians and geopolitics (for example, deposits located in war scenarios).
And so (mineral). Mineral belonging to the sulfate family, which has the formula CaSO4-2H2O, (hydrated calcium sulfate), colorless, White, yellow, rosa, or red, from transparent to opaque, with pearly luster, and white stripe. Crystallizes in the monoclinic system, in the form of prismatic crystals, tabular, aciculares, often twinned with incoming angles (arrowhead), in flaky aggregates, the micro crystalline (alabaster). Es flexible, with perfect exfoliation and uneven fracture; has a density of 2.3 a 2.4, and hardness of 2, according to the Mohs scale. It is unassailable by acids, very slightly soluble in water, and when heated it loses its transparency, turning whitish.. It originates from precipitation of calcium sulfate solutions, by evaporation of sea water; by absorption of water from anhydrite.
And so (roca). sedimentary rock, formed mainly by gypsum and occasionally by anhydrite, calcite and clay minerals, White color, yellowish, pardusco, reddish, greenish, gris, fine to coarse grain, sometimes stratified. It is caused by evaporation of seawater, by primary precipitation of anhydrite. It is very abundant in all places of sedimentary origin, generally appearing in stratified sedimentary sequences.
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