Archivos del Mes julio 2022

Corpoguajira updates regulations on the use of the waters of the Jerez River
The works will allow organizing and controlling the use of water resources. The Regional Autonomous Corporation of La Guajira, develops actions that will allow the updating of the regulation of the use of […]

Corpoguajira has 17 internship places for university students
The Regional Autonomous Corporation of La Guajira reported that it has seventeen places available for university students, interested in carrying out their academic practices or with the option. The application may […]

Environmental authorities of La Guajira, Cesar and Magdalena agree on actions for the conservation of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
In order to articulate inter-institutional actions aimed at strengthening the conservation strategies of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a round table was held in […]

Wayúu communities participated in a conference on conservation of the marine-coastal ecosystem
Aspects related to the Sawairu regional protected area and the implementation of adaptation measures against coastal erosion were addressed.. The Decree was also socialized 281 of 2021, el […]

Corpoguajira granted the environmental permits for the construction of the bridge over the mouth of the Ranchería River
After receiving and validating the adjustments to the request submitted by the District of Riohacha, in the framework of the construction process of the bridge over the “Riito”, Corpoguajira […]

Corpoguajira participated in a meeting of the CARs with the appointed Minister of the Environment, Susana Muhamad |
Environmental challenges of the regions, climate change and environmental democracy; were some of the topics discussed The General Director of Corpoguajira, Samuel Lanao Robles, participated in the meeting held […]

District application for the environmental permit for the construction of the bridge over the mouth of the Ranchería River, has technical inconsistencies: Corpoguajira
The environmental authority explains that the process is within the legal terms. The permit would be issued once the required adjustments are made by the environmental entity. […]

With an environmental comparison, violators of solid waste disposal regulations will be sanctioned in Riohacha
Some behaviors that will be sanctioned are: take out the garbage at unauthorized times, dispose of solid waste and rubble in places of public use without permission from the competent authority, […]

Corpoguajira presented a statement of the remuneration rate for punctual discharges
The entity explained that significant progress has been made in meeting the goals agreed upon with the 58 users who benefit from water sources. The resource collected […]

Corpoguajira will carry out training on environmental requirements for tourism sustainability
the owners, administrators and workers of lodging establishments, restaurants, bares, travel agencies and environmental and tourism professionals; will be able to participate in the workshop “Environmental requirements for the […]